how we're doing

It is difficult for me to try and begin to make sense of the ways in which life has changed so dramatically over the past month. A month ago was more or less a normal Tuesday in Hamilton, NY. Sure we knew change was coming. My friends and I were starting to question our upcoming trip to California and we were preparing to shift to online classes after spring break. But despite the encroachment of some of the social consequences of COVID-19, life was, more or less, normal. Colgate seniors might remember that one month ago was the Cookie Pie Eating Contest at the Inn. We might remember finally feeling some sunshine after months of grey snow. Maybe we went to the Taproom. Maybe we went out to eat. Maybe our week was filled with meetings, projects, exams, and deadlines before we finally got to enjoy spring break.


The point is life looked very different one month ago. Our world seems to change every day and we are being asked each morning to follow new rules and regulations. And largely, we are being asked to do this physically alone or with only a few people. I’ve found myself thinking a lot about what community looks like now. With each of us quarantined at home, how has our experience of community shifted? What are we all doing with this time? What are we all feeling? Are we feeling the same things? Doing the same things as our neighbors just one wall over? How might there be a way for us to walk through this (at least 6 feet apart) together?


This all brings me to the week-long adventure in polls and questions on my Instagram story this past week. Over the course of the last week I took to my Instagram and asked 22 questions. I asked about a lot of things including: what we’re missing, what we have been able to smile about, what we’re learning about ourselves, what scares us right now, and where we’re able to find hope right now.


My favorite part about this kind of blog piece is that it isn’t just about me and what I’m thinking and feeling. It gets to be about all of us. It gets to be about this community. About you and your neighbor and that kid from one of your classes and the friend of your friend and also that person you’ve never heard of. It gets to be about us. And so I don’t want to put too much of my voice in here, I want to keep this about us. What I will say, is that if this piece has shown me anything, it is that we are still in this together. The following results include poll & question answers from over 200 people from across the world and of all ages. This is new for all of us and there are things all of us are missing, scared of, and working through. There are things all of us have lost. I hope this is a reminder that you are not in this alone. You may be cooped up right now and with only a few people but the world is still with you. We’re still with you. I’m still with you.


Here’s how we’ve all be holding up.


We’re all missing something.

We miss people.

My friends

The friends I was living with at school and their senses of humor.

My brother

The people at Colgate

My friends and professors at Colgate

My students

My dogs


My family who lives far away

My significant other

My school friends

My family and coworkers

Seeing people I know all over campus even if it’s just a quick “hey” in passing

My friends and my freedom

We miss places and activities.


Dressing up for a day out

The gym         

Running to catch the bus

Beer cheese pretzels from the Colgate Inn and chipwiches

Getting food with friends

Hanging out/seeing my friends

Morning meditation classes

Going to brunch on the weekends

Spending time with people outside of my household

My dorm room

People watching every day during my walk to school

Driving in the car with friends

Wearing clothes that make me feel cute





We miss feelings.

Feeling grounded and knowing what’s happening

Feeling safe and secure

Being abroad and the happiness that accompanied it

The feeling of normalcy that I took for granted

Feeling comfortable in public places

Normal Life

Having my own space

Having space to be alone for awhile


Face-to-face interaction

A sense of routine and normalcy

Having a purpose

My daily routine

My old life

We feel a bit split on how we should be using this time. 40% of us think we should be using this time to do more things while the remaining 60% think this time calls for rest, calls for a pause. I want to say that I recognize that there is probably a happier, more realistic compromise in the middle.

Some of us are keeping a routine (54%).

Some of us are spending some time outside (69% on the day polled).


We’re experimenting. We’re trying new things.


Some of us will come out of quarantine with a new found love (maybe) for fitness

Online workout videos

An at-home workout app

Indoor workouts (which I’m not a huge fan of)

HIIT workouts


I started going on walks


Some of us are now master chefs



Baking bread

Getting delivery groceries


Two people mentioned that now they are “actually doing all of my readings for class”. I’m proud of you both!


Other things we’re trying out -

Watching a movie every night

Listening to podcasts

Doing nothing for once

Reading before bed instead of staring at my phone/the news

Sitting with my anxiety. I cannot very well go anywhere or run at the moment.


We’re learning things about ourselves.

I need a schedule to keep me motivated

I forgot how much I love to read

I’m really close with my family and grateful we haven’t killed each other yet

I’m better at spending time with myself than I thought I was going to be

I like my alone time a lot less than I thought I did … missing human interaction

I’m much stronger than I thought I was

I love baking! And I need more alone time than I thought I did

I love having time to myself

Turns out I like podcasts now!

I need structure but I’m bad at providing it for myself

I’m much crazier than I thought!

I need some form of human interaction for my own mental health

How to be comfortable with my own thoughts, how to sit and actually let myself think free from social media or TV distractions

We are made for community – community that is broader than idolized nuclear family

I rely heavily on my routine in a college environment

I am more extroverted + enjoy social interaction more than I thought


There are still things that make us smile.

Facetiming friends

Becoming closer with lovely people via text


My great aunt who recently facetimed me while she was dancing to jazz and made me join

I finished a puzzle, facetiming my friends, really good TikToks

How my puppy runs sideways

Spring flowers

How excited my professors have been to start up classes again

Zoom + facetime chats with friends

The creative ways we have found to celebrate birthdays in quarantine

My little sister getting into high school and my little brother and his friends getting into college

How happy my dog is that I’m living at home again, I can tell she missed me

The deep, silly, hard, inspiring conversations I’ve had with my friends over facetime

Feeling the sun on my face!!! Makes me smile so hard!!!!!

Hearing New Yorkers cheering/clapping for healthcare workers at the end of their days

Being able to hug my mom and brother everyday

My family and pets

My pup, being back in the same time zone as my support system, family game nights

Time with my family that I didn’t know when I’d have next (or ever again)

John Krasinki’s “Some Good News”

All the rainbows people (here in Montreal) have put up in their windows with #itsgoingtobeok

Having puzzle time with my mom

My brother (35yo) downloaded TikTok and sends lip synching videos almost everyday

Being able to spend time at home and hang out with my family

Facetiming and joking with my friends just like we do in person

The feeling of running in the sunshine

When my friends send random messages of love

The love Colgate had for each other

My puppy

Reading a bedtime story to my brother via facetime

Seeing my dog

A friend sending me a letter

When my dog starts snoring/having puppy dreams when I’m on a work call

Cooking in my kitchen

Less pollution! The earth is getting cleaner

Flowers in my backyard that are still blooming despite it all


A lot of us are doing just “okay”.

On the day polled, 41% of us said our mental health was good and 59% said it could be better.


We’re feeling a lot. And we’re feeling a lot of feelings that often we don’t talk about.

What scares us right now? What are we worried about?

People I love are hospitalized not being able to recover

This situation going on for many many months

Scared about all the people dying. Scared for our health professionals.

Scared for the lasting impact this will have on our world.

I’m scared about what the world will look like once this is all over. I’m concerned for small business owners who may never be able to recover from this and the people without jobs right now

My friend working as an EMT, economic destruction for people with low income/job loss

The possibility of requiring a ventilator if I contract the virus

The hopelessness, burnout, and trauma that could destroy our healthcare workers

Worried about my grandparents becoming infected and just the uncertainty of everything

Hmm maybe just the unknown of it all

I’m being redeployed from my regular job to work at the hospital

How long this will last and how many people and families are hurting

How long this is all gonna last

What will happen when the healthcare system is completely overwhelmed

The idea of losing loved ones

Fear of what happens after this … will we be scared of each other / human contact?

Fear of the unknown. Will we have summer? Will I get a job? Will school resume next semester?

My grandparents staying safe and healthy

The number of people passing away from the virus

Selfishly that I won’t be able to go abroad

Scared about not returning to my normal routine/lifestyle

That this will never be over

There is still inspiration. There is still hope. Here’s where some of us are finding it –

Praying that this will all be under control soon

That after this more people will see the value in the essential work being done by so many

Always thinking of one thing that was good about my day before bed

I’m trying to embrace how slow life is right now, because when will life be this slow again!

I feel hopeful because I have to. Gotta have something to look forward to, hoping things will get better

I’m inspired by the people around me who are turning to creative outlets

I’m inspired by how the world is continuing to move forward

My beautiful friends finding out more about their futures!!

Sunshine and the promise of warm weather

Finding inspiration from the medical professionals that are sharing good news!

Finding inspiration in my classes and hope in the ability to continue my education


I know this post has been long. And if you’ve made it here, thank you for sticking with me, for sticking with us. I hope you found some support here, found some comfort and validation. This is a tough time to be living through and it is complicated for all of us in different ways. What struck me, and maybe this struck you too, is how similar so many of the responses to these questions were. There is nuance and responses that vary, but a lot of us are grappling with the same fears and worries, feeling the same feelings, and missing the same things. My hope is that there is some comfort there – some feeling of being in this messiness together.

My hope is also that we find inspiration from each other. That we smile about the things others are smiling about. That we find some inspiration in new things our friends are learning. This is an inspiring community. And this is where we’re all at. We’re a complicated mix of scared and hopeful, a lot of us laughing in the same days we’re crying. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with an update on how we’re doing. But for now, I urge you to continue to choose love in this moment. We’re not alone right now. We may be at least 6 feet apart from each other and maybe we’ve only been face-to-face with a couple of people in the past month but we still get to show up. We still get to experience community right now. xo

I am going to end this piece with (1) ideas on how we can continue to choose this community, ideas on how to show up for one another and (2) a list of songs, podcasts, TV, movies, books, etc. that have been getting all of us through, what’s keeping all of us entertained.


Ways to love each other through quarantine.

Laughter and Kindness


Sharing inspiring/insightful articles

Random facetimes (and scheduled facetimes)

Reconnect with old friends + people who might not realize you’re thinking of them

Reach out

Try to be present

Phone calls

Share photos of our pets with each other

No emotional dumping without permission

Check on your friends, even those that perhaps appear fine. 

Stay entertained.


Crime Junkie

Girls Gotta Eat

In Your Feelings – a podcast from Thought Catalog

Just Break Up Podcast

NYTimes podcasts

Office Ladies

The Bitch Bible

Thick & Thin


30 Rock (Hulu)

All American (Netflix)

Breaking Bad (Netflix)

Broad City (Hulu)

Community (Netflix)

Cheer (Netflix)

Greys Anatomy (Netflix)

How To Get Away With Murder (Netflix)

Little Fires Everywhere (Hulu)

Modern Love (Amazon Prime)

New Girl (Netflix)

Non-Orthodox (Netflix)

Schitts Creek (Netflix)

Sex Education (Netflix)

The Blacklist (Netflix)

The I-Land (Netflix)

Tiger King (Netflix)


Mickey and the Bear


Authors: Sally Rooney + Meg Wollizter

Dominicana by Angie Cruz

Educated by Tara Westover

Jamie Tworkowski reading “If You Feel Too Much” on Instagram live

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

Normal People by Sally Rooney

A Good Neighbor by Therese Anne Fowler

Vibrate Higher by Lalah Delia

Wake, Siren: Ovid Resung by Nina MacLaughlin


“Graceland” – Paul Simon

“Underdog” – Alicia Keys

Instagram live of Dermot Kennedy

Jimi Hendrix

My Pandora station from freshman year

New Music Friday playlist from Spotify

Southside (Sam Hunt’s new album)


Peloton App (free for 90 days) – shoutout to Robin Arzon, Ally Love, and Cody Rigsby

Workout live-streams on Instagram


Also TikTok


Also all lifestyle vloggers


Also @werennotreallystrangers on Instagram for an account that asks the type of questions that led to this blog all year round, pandemic or not.