Anti-Racist Resources

fyi: cover image by Melissa Koby

I am going to keep this introduction brief. This piece isn’t going to be so much about my thoughts (though you can read some of them here). Instead I hope that this is one of many resources we can turn to as we commit ourselves to a lifelong fight against white supremacy and racial injustice.

I want to start by prefacing that in no way do I claim to be perfectly educated when it comes to race and racism and I recognize that my past silence has been a form of violence. I am steadily learning how to be a better ally and remain committed to activist work. I am trying each day to thoughtfully consider how I can show up to be and do better.

I would like to thank everyone who answered one or two or all of the questions I asked last week on Instagram. I am so grateful to be in community with all of you and to be able to learn from and with this community. This piece is a collection of resources we have turned to throughout this month. This piece is also only one of many resource guides to pay attention to right now and I have closed this piece with links to a number of other guides I have found helpful and turned to frequently over the past month. I hope you will explore those too.

Pods - click to listen

Reads - click to purchase

See this list to find a Black-Owned Bookstore near you. Or this list. And this list.

Also check out this reading list.

Read this too.

On Screen


As mentioned at the start of this piece, I am closing this out with additional resources + guides that I have found helpful and have turned to frequently over the past month. Before I go though, I do want to share just a few thoughts and words of hope.

I asked on my Instagram how hopeful we feel. Do we think things are actually going to change? Does change feel possible now in ways it maybe hasn’t before? Or does it feel like this moment and all its outrage and passion and momentum will pass and life will “go back to normal” eventually?

Our average answer seems to indicate that we are hopeful. That something about this moment does feel different. I am mostly in agreement. I am cautiously hopeful. We must understand though that things don’t change unless we fight relentlessly for it.

Additionally, I asked on my Instagram if anyone had anything to share. Anything at all. I didn’t have a prompt or something specific I was looking for but I left space for anyone to share any thoughts, hopes, or additional ideas. Here is what I heard:

It is really important to support organizations that are working to provide and organize therapy for BIPOC that is inclusive in nature because there aren’t enough BIPOC therapists available to people and so many white therapists don’t have proper education on the ways their BIPOC patients have different life experiences. Loveland foundation is great for that. You can check out the Loveland foundation here.

Selecting preferred races on dating apps should be removed.

I hope that each of one of us continues fighting.

Please feel free to leave comments on this piece with suggestions, additions, thoughts, comments, etc. It is my hope that this piece be interactive. You can also reach me through this form more privately if you wish.

Standing with you. In solidarity. xo.

Additional Guides + Resources

Confirm that you are registered to vote!!

Explore Vote Save America (any PSA listeners already know).

Adopt a State (again, you PSA listeners already know). You can adopt one of six key battleground states and help turn out the vote in November. You can join me in adopting North Carolina or choose to adopt another key state (Arizona, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin). If you don’t live in a swing state this is a great way to get involved.

This guide put together by my friends Hannah Adkins and Gracie Morgan | a comprehensive reading, listening, and viewing guide. Colgate students especially should consult this piece as it lists course suggestions, professor recommendations, and ways you can be involved in activism on Colgate’s campus.

This list of ways you can help the Black Lives Matter movement.

(click on the photos to explore the guide)